Cloud Paradise

Choisir Cloud Paradise adds

two members in your team.

Your company has an IT project and you’re lacking the resources to complete it? Write to us now with the details. We’ll be happy to analyze your needs. Our team consists of Maxime Murray, the back-end developer and SysAdmin, and Patricia Gagnon, the front-end developer. Together, we’ll be delighted to help your company optimize its IT resources.

Why Cloud Paradise?

Visit our about us page to find out more about our company.

Let’s get to know each other

We want to build a trusting and lasting relationship with you.

Information technology is playing an increasingly important role in companies. That’s why we want to offer our expertise to help you grow. We’ll work with you to improve your IT systems.


Whether with our team members or our customers, it's important to have the same vision.

Quality work

We are committed to providing you with fast, efficient, safe and sustainable services.


experience in serving companies.

Our procedure

Here are the steps you need to take before arriving at your final project

Choose one of our services

Need a hand with an IT project? Visit our services page and select the one that best suits your needs.

Contact us

Make an appointment for a consultation via videoconference or get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing about your project.

We prepare a plan for you

After gathering all the necessary information, our team will prepare a customized plan for you. Your project is in good hands.

Back to work!

Once you've agreed to your customized plan. We'll get to work on your project. Thank you for trusting our expertise.

Accessible, sustainable solutions

We help your company with its IT challenge

Your company has IT projects, but you lack the resources to carry them out. Thanks to our own Cloud network and our expertise in development and programming, we aim to make these resources more accessible and finally unlock your projects.


Our Values

Thanks to these values, we can help your company and ours to move forward. Always striving to stay at the cutting edge of technology, we want to offer you the best long-term solutions. Working as a team with yours, we’ll make technology accessible to help your business run more smoothly.


Technology evolves every day. That's why we believe it's important to always research which technology is best suited to the problems companies may face.


Whether with your team or in-house, we believe that many heads are better than one. For us, it's essential to work as a team, because having the same vision of the project leads to better results.

Respecting confidentiality

Your data is important to us. We are aware that the information you share with us is of great value to you and we do everything possible to keep it confidential.

Meeting deadlines

We understand the importance of meeting deadlines. We know the consequences of a project not being delivered to a company on time, and we want to avoid this. That's why it's so important to determine this.

A few questions

That you regularly ask us

We’ve answered these questions many times in the past, and we’ve decided to answer them here. However, if you have any further questions, we are happy to answer them. Please note that these are general questions and answers and may not apply to your situation.


Étape 1 : Prise de contact

Nous demandons au client de nous fournir le plus d’information possible pour la réalisation du projet. Plus nous avons de détail, plus le projet représentera la vision que vous avez au départ.

Étape 2 : Préparation du plan

Une fois que nous avons tous les informations de notre côté, nous allons vous préparer un plan qui comprendra les détails du résultat, les échéances et les modalités de paiement.

Étape 3 : Réalisation du plan

Une fois que vous avez accepter et signer ce plan, nous allons tous mettre en place pour le réaliser dans les échéances promit.

Nous développons tous les solutions sur nos propres serveurs. Une fois que celui-ci est testé et approuvé par votre équipe, nous allons les transférer au besoin à l’endroit que vous voulez. Cependant, nous ne pouvons garantir le bon fonctionnement sur les autres plateformes.

3 Serveurs (HP et Dell)

128 Cœurs

512 GB de Ram

80 TB de stockages

1 Routeur (Cisco)

1 Switch (Cisco)

3 Pares-feux (Cisco)